All recreational programs will follow the calendar year. This means your child will move to the next age group on/after January 1st.

Club Soccer is offered to all recreational players, 07U through 10U regardless of their playing experience. The program is designed to further develop the basic skills of the game through age appropriate activities and exercises that are used to keep the learning process both challenging and fun.

Each session will begin with training instructed by an adult Licensed Coach, the remaining time of the session will consist of a 5v5 soccer game for the 7U through 10U which will consist of four field players and a goalkeeper.  

The programs are held at the Lakefront Soccer Complex facility during the winter session.  The indoor complex is 40,000 square foot artificial turf building.

The pre-game instruction portion of the sessions are led by adult Licensed Coaching Staff Members; however, parents are needed to help assist as well as serving as coaches during the games. We strongly encourage participation of all parents to volunteer and assist. No experience required to volunteer, just a desire to help the kids learn!!

Shin guards are required.  Turf shoes or sneakers are required for the Winter indoor program.  Outdoor Cleats are NOT ALLOWED on the indoor turf!  Please bring a water bottle and size 4 soccer ball!  Team T-shirts will be distributed the first week of the program.

(Dates, times, and locations are subject to change.)

If you are registering as a volunteer you will be volunteering as a Coach for the participants team. 

All volunteers/coaches will be submitted to NYSWYSA for a Risk Management background check.

Lakefront SC is not responsible for cancellations due to Acts of God or circumstances beyond our control.