
Hello Jesse and all-
Just wanted to thank you for all you are doing to revitalize and improve the Webster soccer program. I am truly excited about the changes and look forward to our kids continuing to grow through the programs you offer. At the meeting I attended this week you could tell you have all put a lot of thought into things and have a good vision of where we need to go. This is very refreshing and exciting. As the parent of two strong players I want what is best for them to continue to improve their skills. I feel very encouraged by what you guys will have to offer them moving forward and where the club is headed.
Thanks again and nice job by all!!
Kate Monfort


Thank you Malcolm. I thought the Tournament experience program was great for my daughter, Olivia. She has not received such detailed, helpful skills and training in any other program she has participated in. I appreciate all you did. 
Jess DeMitry


Thank goodness you have that new hip. You are certainly walking miles making sure all is well field by field. Nice job, Malcolm. Thank you!


Just a quick note to complement you on your innovative ideas and keeping soccer alive in Webster. We appreciate the opportunities for our son to play in town. This past spring , The Tournament opportunity provided more instruction than World Cup without needing to try out, as in travel. This Fall will you be repeating this idea and / or continue to have PDP? I am looking at registering him for this Fall in a program with more formal instruction and playing opportunities. I will register him as soon as programs are available. Thanks for all your efforts!


This is the first time that my son has been involved in this organization or really played soccer. Last night I was really impressed at the organization and loved the 5v5 approach. We are really excited for this season.
thank you for leading this great organization.
Sharon Zukoski


As a parent who volunteers to coach with 5/6 girls soccer team, I just want to share my experience through the first few weeks of the season.
First and foremost I have 11 young girls who are having an absolute blast playing the game.   I know this because they are all playing hard, and because they come every week with smiles on their faces.  They all cheer each other on, and celebrate the game together. 
It also helps very much having multiple parent volunteers.  We have one volunteer on the sidelines with the girls who are not in the game coordinating substitutions and cheers.  This helps keep the game moving during time-outs and substitutions and allows for the other coaches to help keep the game moving on the field.  The less time they have to pick daisies, the better!
The lesson plans for each pre-game practice has been very helpful in keeping it organized and fun.  I remember last year making it up as we went, which overall was just not productive.  The girls love the games you have picked out, and we have also mixed in team building activities such as relay races and my favorite, kick the ball to a teammate and that teammate has to tell their name and something about themselves.
Lastly I would just like to say that my overall feeling is that if it continues to trend in this direction, I have no doubts that all 11 girls will want to play soccer again next year.  I would highly doubt any girls are not going to want to play because they are not having fun.  That is my focus and I believe should be the focus at this age.  It is not as much about the rules, techniques, and field design, as it is about having fun and positive reinforcement.  Sports is about much more than the game, and if we can teach kids at a young age to play hard and have fun, the skills will surely follow.
Thank you for all your hard work and commitment to this program.  We hope to be a part of it for a long time to come!
Anthony Allocco-Angell